So, yesterday I had a whole post ready to go, and just as I was ready to put it up (like seriously, I was ready to hit the button..) I get this text message and suddenly all of my rantings seemed all too insignificant. Pretty much all I wanted to do was go and drive and get my sister. Then, hug her until she couldn't be hugged anymore, and hug until we cried, then cry until we laughed, and then do it all over again. Because that is what we do, because she is my sissy, and I just love and adore her beyond my words. I was mostly in shock over it all. I really didn't have any true emotions over it other than I just wanted to see her and hug her. (Like this because it is one thing that will always, always make me think of just her.)
Captain America turned into the Hulk last night and really drove it home. We are entering the phase of two-year-old life where we don't know if he will be napping or not anymore. This is a hard phase. I would really like him to keep napping...but I don't know if he will. He has always been a bad sleeper, and still is....cue last night.
I was sad, and just wanted to sleep. I'd probably been asleep for a little over an hour and I hear the shriek of a wild animal --- "AAAAHHHH! MAAAAAAHHHM!!". I sigh and flop out of bed. Dragggggg my feet through the hall to his room (all the while he is screaming and flailing, only turning into more of a wild beast in the 45 seconds it takes me to get there). I walk into his room and he smiles and says, "Hi mom, I go your bed?"
UGHHH! Seriously, child!? You did all of this thinking you would graciously be invited to sleep in MY bed!? Sorry, buddy. I gave up any sort of "soothing" way too quickly and grabbed one of his blankets that covers maybe half of me (...maybe?) and climbed in his bed. A toddler bed. Which is basically a crib with the side knocked down. Yep, sometimes you just have to sleep in the crib.
I decided after bad news yesterday and then sleeping in the crib last night, I could use up all the hot water in the shower today. It definitely perked up my mood. I've had my ups-and-downs of sad today, but I think that it is okay. Mr. Yeti has been wonderful. He is so understanding as usual. He really is a superhero, too :) I'm so blessed to have my crazy superheroes, and my whole family around me. I'm so glad I have been blessed with all of them. I can't wait to have a Hug O'War with my whole family. I bet we might make a "ham-sammich" tonight during fort night (basically a giant family hug...get it...? Hamiltons..big hug..."Ham-Sammich"...ha...haha..yep. It really is funny. You know it is.)
Go have a Hug O'War with someone, too. :)
Hug O'War
I will not play at tug o'war.
I'd rather play at hug o'war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins.
Shel Silverstein
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